Support for Digital Storytelling

Recently, DLINQ has seen an increase in the number of faculty and staff interested in digital storytelling tools and approaches. We have been fortunate to collaborate on a number of digital storytelling projects and want to highlight the types of support we can offer:

One-on-one consults

Do you have a digital storytelling idea you want to talk through? Do you want to implement a digital storytelling project in your class, but aren’t sure where to start? One-on-one consults are a great way to scope out a project, get help in choosing a tool, and learn how to best scaffold a project in your classroom. 

Class Visits

Have you decided to do a digital storytelling project in your classroom, but need help teaching your students how to use a tool? DLINQ is happy to offer classroom visits, both virtual and in-person. We can offer instruction on tools such as WordPress, ArcGIS StoryMaps, Pressbooks, and Scalar. We can also instruct students on digital storytelling best practices, including storyboarding and project planning.  


Are you and your colleagues interested in learning more about digital storytelling? Would you like instruction on a specific digital storytelling tool such as WordPress, ArcGIS StoryMaps, Pressbooks, or Scalar? We can collaborate with you to plan a workshop, or even a series of workshops, that best meets your needs.


If you would like to talk more about digital storytelling support, please use our consultation form and a DLINQ team member will contact you.