DLINQ Studios

DLINQ Studios offer opportunities for students and faculty to critically engage with and research emerging digital practices and technology for the purpose of social impact. Studios are designed to be exploratory, project-oriented, and to provide opportunities within and outside of the formal curriculum. 

As they work with DLINQ Studios, students and faculty develop digital literacies and practices that prepare them to shape their worlds, even as technologies and their impacts change. Mentorship and guidance as part of Studio projects are key to this outcome. Mentorship and guidance are provided by the DLINQ Studio lead, though members/fellows are also key contributors to ongoing learning in the Studio. 


Animation Studio

The Animation Studio is a collaborative, interdisciplinary digital media studio at Middlebury College that strives to foster a vibrant, cross-college community of undergraduate students with a fundamental skill-set in


Inclusive Design Studio

The Inclusive Design studio works with faculty, staff, students, and community partners to identify opportunities to design inclusive digital spaces. Our approach is grounded in an ethic of care,


Information Environmentalism

The web is polluted. How should Middlebury be thinking about their role in combating digital pollution (mis/disinformation)?


Extended Reality (XR) Studio

The XR (Extended Reality) Studio brings students, faculty, and staff together to work collaboratively on components of virtual spaces, immersive, and interactive multimedia experiences. We host opportunities for Middlebury