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Structure & Organization Checklist

  • Include Welcome and Getting Started content.

  • Provide an orientation or overview for the course overall, as well as in each module, including how to navigate course structure and essential items like the gradebook and what tasks are due.

  • Include a Course Information area that summarizes and explains critical elements of the syllabus for learners in a clear and navigable way. States whether the course is fully online, blended, or web- enhanced. Provides contact information for instructor, department, and program. SAMPLE

  • Provide a printable syllabus (PDF).

  • Include links to relevant campus policies on plagiarism, computer use, filing grievances, accommodating disabilities, etc. SAMPLE

  • Provide access to learner success resources (technical help, orientation, tutoring).  SAMPLE

  • Clearly define course objectives/outcomes. Objectives should be measurable, and aligned to learning activities and assessments.

  • Develop and share a clear, holistic communication plan for how you will communicate with the students in your courses.

  • Add a Diversity & Inclusion statement to your syllabus.

  • Include learning outcomes aimed at asking students to interrogate their own biases.