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Canvas integrations (LTIs) are a series of apps that can be used from within Canvas to extend the built-in features of Canvas.

Below, find information and instructions for using some of the most popular Canvas integrations available at Middlebury.  On this page, you will also find a complete list of LTIs that are currently installed and available for use, as well as FAQs about how LTIs are selected, installed, and how to request that Middlebury acquire an LTI that is not currently installed.



Flipgrid is a social video, audio, and text discussion tool that allows instructors and students to easily create short videos. Faculty can use FlipGrid to support interaction in ways


The Hypothes.is integration with Canvas brings discussion directly to course content by enabling students and teachers to add comments and start conversations in the margins of texts. Collaborative annotation engages students more deeply


The Google App integration for Canvas allows students and faculty to create and access Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides inside of Canvas. Specifically, it allows you to: create Assignments containing Google Docs; link


The Perusall integration for Canvas allows students to collaboratively annotate uploaded texts, webpages, textbooks, and video. The annotation interface allows for annotation using comments, tags, and anonymous annotation. Perusall integrates with the Canvas


The Zoom integration for Canvas allows faculty to schedule Zoom meetings right within Canvas, for class meetings and for office hours. If you are planning to use Zoom for class meetings, we highly


ThingLink is a web based image annotation/hot spot tool that allows students and faculty to share images with annotations embedded in the image. While there is an LTI with Canvas, there is limited


The LibGuides – Canvas LTI allows faculty to embed selected LibGuides into pages in their Canvas site. This allows students to access research guide information without having to leave their Canvas course shell.


Cidi Labs Design Tools integrates instructional design tools into Canvas to help course designers improve course design, accessibility, course readiness tracking and file management.


All faculty have access to the DesignPlus Tools toolbar


The Redirect Tool allows you to add your own custom link to your Canvas course navigation menu (the left-hand navigation menu). If you have an external website that you would like students to

📢 We're moving our documentation to a new system on July 1. Check out the new version now. 📢

UDOIT – or the Universal Design Online Content Inspection Tool – is a tool available in all Canvas courses that scans your course and flags any accessibility issues, and provides information on how


Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Scalar enables users to assemble 

📢 We're moving our documentation to a new system on July 1. Check out the new version now. 📢

GoReact is an interactive cloud-based platform for feedback, grading, and critiquing of student video assignments.

Instructors create the video assignments. Students upload or record their video submissions. Instructors and/or peers then leave time-coded text, video,


LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) is a secure standard for third party learning applications. These tools can be installed in Canvas for all courses (enterprise-level) or for individual courses (course-level) to be used in course modules or to create custom activities. Learn more about LTI tools at IMS Global.

LTIs are installed and configured at two levels in Canvas:

Enterprise-level: external tools are installed by your Canvas Admins and integrated into all Canvas courses for everyone to use
Course-level: tools are available to be installed by an instructor within a course using the Canvas App Center. Learn more about the Canvas App Center and external apps with this Canvas Guide

In the table below, the LTI status is differentiated by its current stage in the review process:

Requested: a request to review the LTI has been submitted
In Review: the LTI is being vetted by the Canvas LTI advisory group
On Hold: the LTI has been piloted, additional review required
Approved: the LTI has been vetted by the Canvas LTI advisory group
Available: the LTI has been vetted as an external app, requires installation
In Pilot: The LTI is being piloted with a limited group for testing, installed pending a final review
Installed: The LTI has been configured and is in production

Requests should be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the start date of a course to allow time for Infosec review and testing. LTI providers suggest not adding tools once students begin accessing the course content. Complete the Canvas LTI Request form to initiate a review of a Canvas LTI app.

Once an LTI is requested, the vendor will be contacted by DLINQ’s LTI Advisory Group. Vendors will be required to complete the LTI Security Questionnaire and provide links to the following documents for whitelisting or course-level approval:

FERPA Statement (required)
Terms of Service (required)
Terms of Use (required)
Privacy Statements (required)
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) (optional)

The LTI Advisory Group will review responses and policies submitted to the security questionnaire and use the following questions to guide a decision on approval status:

Did the vendor complete the SaaS questionnaire? (required)
Does the LTI function correctly in the Canvas testing environment? (required)
Is the LTI installable: (required)
via the EduApps Center? or
directly into a course site? or
at the root account level via an enterprise contract with Middlebury?
After testing, does the LTI support its intended instructional purpose?
Does the LTI share data? What data? (required)
Does the LTI share data securely? (required)
Does the LTI require a budget? (required)
Does the LTI comply with Middlebury IP policies? (required)
E.g.: Use of the LTI must not transfer any faculty or student intellectual property to the vendor. Reference: Middlebury IP Policy

Does the LTI provide a single Terms of Use (ToU) that includes the service and the LTI integration? (required)

LTI apps that have been reviewed for use by instructors at the course level will be visible in the Canvas App Center. To install and configure an approved external app in your course, review this Canvas guide: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12854

Contact the DLINQ team to schedule a consultation.


LTI LinkDescriptionLevelStatusNotes
CidiLabs Design ToolsHelps course designers and instructors improve course design, accessibility, course readiness tracking and file management.EnterpriseInstalled
FlipgridSocial video, audio, and text discussion tool that allows instructors and students to interact with one another in ways that may heighten social presenceCourseInstalled
Google AppsAccess and embed Google Drive files for collaboration, assignments, content sharing, gradingEnterpriseInstalled
Go ReactSet up video based assignments, make student recordings, give and receive text, audio, or video feedbackEnterpriseInstalledAvailable August 2020
Hypothes.isWebsite and document annotation toolsEnterpriseInstalledActive Pilot Fall 2020
Khan AcademyEmbed Khan Academy instructional videos into course material.CourseInstalled
MacMillan LearningIntegrates Canvas with Macmillan's LaunchPad programCourseInstalled
LibGuides by SpringshareEmbed subject and course guides as well as databases into Canvas.EnterpriseInstalled
MatLab GraderBrowser-based authoring environment allows creation, sharing, and grading of MATLAB-based assignmentsCourseOn Hold
Microsoft Office 365Access and embed O365 files for collaboration, assignments, content sharing, gradingEnterpriseInstalled
PanoptoRobust video hosting, streaming, and screencasting platform.EnterpriseInstalled
Pearson My Lab & MasteringProvides the ability for instructor and students to link from Canvas course to access their Pearson MyLab and Mastering resources.CourseInstalled
PearsonProvides access to Pearson content from a Canvas course.CourseInstalled
PerusallE-book reader with collaborative annotation toolsEnterpriseInstalledAugust 2020
PiazzaWeb based threaded discussionsCourseOn Hold
QualtricsSurvey toolsCourseOn Hold
Redirect ToolAdd links to external web resources that show up as navigation items in course, user or account navigation.CourseInstalled
Remind2-way text based communication platform that helps colleges to reach and engage with their entire campus communityCourseOn Hold
Text ReaderCreate blocks of text where students can click any word in the text and retrieve an inline definition of the word.CourseOn Hold
ThingLinkAn interactive multimedia authoring and annotation tool for projects integrating web links, text, photos, audio, video elements.EnterpriseInstalledJune 2020
TrelloShows summary information for a public Trello board. Collaboratively organize thoughts, ideas, tasks into categories or lists.CourseInstalled
TwitterEmbed a Twitter feed on any page in Canvas.EnterpriseInstalled
UDOITEnables instructors to identify accessibility issues in their Canvas course content.EnterpriseInstalled
VimeoSearch for and embed videos into course content.EnterpriseInstalled
WikipediaSearch through English Wikipedia articles and link to or embed these articles into course material.CourseInstalled
YoutubeEmbeds a YouTube video into content.EnterpriseInstalled
Zoom ProAdds course-level access to instructor Zoom account to schedule and manage meetings, start or join meetings, view and manage upcoming and previous meetings, as well as recordingsEnterpriseInstalledExpedited Spring 2020
Bookshelf by VitalsourceProvides students access to textbooks directly in the context of course materials.EnterpriseIn PilotExtended pilot Spring 2020
H5PH5P.org is a free site for creating over 40 types of interactive html5 web activities. The integration improves ability to embed activities in Canvas sites. In contrast with H5P.com which requires paid license, content created on H5P.org is open to public.Enterprise*Installed*Embed script only, not full LTI, Summer 2020
TRUE+WAY ASLASL curriculum. Teachers receive content from TRUE+WAY ASL and upload it to Canvas, the LTI unlocks the content.CourseInstalledNeeds Admin to add LTI on a per-course basis.
EdfinityA feature-rich homework system for math-related courses.CourseInstalledAccounts are purchased by students.