
DLINQ offers ongoing web-based and in-person professional learning opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. Topics range from teaching online and hybrid, to data privacy, to technology learning, to digital wellness and identity.
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January 20, 2021

8:30am – 9:45am Pacific

11:30am – 12:45pm Eastern

Online via Zoom

with guest facilitator Dr. Jen Ross


Distance is a positive principle, not a deficit. Online can be the privileged mode.

With this provocative statement, the faculty and students of the Centre for Research in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh challenged the dominant discourse that digital education is second-best to face-to-face learning. The statement became part of a Manifesto for Teaching Online, first written by students and faculty in that center in 2011, revised in 2016, and expanded into a book published by the MIT Press in 2020. The book features chapters on each of the twenty-one manifesto statements (such as, “Text has been troubled. Many modes matter in representing academic knowledge.” “Place is differently, not less, important online.”) with thoughtful and thought-provoking explorations and examples that can challenge beliefs about digital education and inspire new approaches to teaching online.

In this session, we are excited to be joined by guest facilitator and co-author of The Manifesto for Teaching Online, Dr. Jen Ross. Dr. Ross is Senior Lecturer at Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh. She is Co-director of the Centre for Research in Digital Education within the School of Education. Dr. Ross will highlight a few of the manifesto points, providing connections to her own experiences with teaching online, and then co-facilitate a conversation with attendees.

About the Teaching Online & Hybrid Conversation Series

DLINQ has convened the Teaching Online and Hybrid Conversation Series (TOHCS) since Fall 2018. Originally conceived of as a way to prepare faculty to take advantage of emerging opportunities to design online and hybrid courses and programs, the goal of the series was to help faculty explore and address both pedagogical and technical issues related to intentionally designing online and hybrid courses that reflect good practices in online learning, as well as Middlebury’s unique approaches to teaching and learning.

In the COVID era, in which much of the institution is teaching partially or fully online, we see the TOHCS as a place where faculty can come together in a learning community focused on continuing conversations and peer support around online teaching and learning.

You can find information and artifacts from earlier events in the conversation series archived on our Teaching Hybrid & Online page.


When you sign up for the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. You will also receive a reminder email with Zoom link the day before the event.

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