
DLINQ offers ongoing web-based and in-person professional learning opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. Topics range from teaching online and hybrid, to data privacy, to technology learning, to digital wellness and identity.
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October 30, 2020
9:30 – 10:45 am Pacific
12:30 – 1:45 pm Eastern

Online via Zoom

Whose voices are most often heard in a typical discussion in your classroom? How equitably is that power distributed among the students and instructor? As Shafer (2017) points out,  “Students who are called on over and over may come to view their perspectives as the right perspectives. At the same time, students who are not called on often may begin to perceive their teachers as unfair — and become even less likely to contribute.”

Structured discussion protocols, alongside co-created norms of participation, are two practices that can be used to work toward ensuring that participation is equitably distributed among students in your class. In this session, you’ll be introduced to several structured discussion approaches (for ex., Liberating Structures and Virtual Liberating Structures, and Structured Dialogues) that can be adapted for synchronous and asynchronous online discussion contexts.

About the Teaching Online & Hybrid Conversation Series

DLINQ has convened the Teaching Online and Hybrid Conversation Series since Fall 2018. Originally conceived of as a way to prepare faculty to take advantage of emerging opportunities to design online and hybrid courses and programs, the goal of the series was to help faculty explore and address both pedagogical and technical issues related to intentionally designing online and hybrid courses that reflect good practices in online learning, as well as Middlebury’s unique approaches to teaching and learning.

In the COVID era, in which much of the institution is teaching partially or fully online, we see the TOHCS as a place where faculty can come together in a learning community focused on continuing conversations and peer support around online teaching and learning.

You can find information and artifacts from earlier events in the conversation series archived on our Teaching Hybrid & Online page.


When you sign up for the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. You will also receive a reminder email with Zoom link the day before the event.

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