Digital Pedagogy & Media

Our Digital Pedagogy & Media team has wide-ranging expertise in instructional design and pedagogy, multimedia production, and animation and narrative storytelling. The instructional design team’s main areas of work include:

  • 1:1 consultations on digital pedagogy topics with faculty and staff
  • support for digital teaching and learning projects
  • support for online and hybrid course and program development
  • creating and facilitating workshops on digital pedagogy-related topics for faculty, staff, and students.

Find out more about our areas of work by clicking on a heading below.

Situated under the Digital Pedagogy & Media team umbrella, the Animation Studio is a collaborative, interdisciplinary digital media studio at Middlebury College that strives to foster a vibrant, cross-college community of undergraduate students with a fundamental skill-set in the creation of rich, sophisticated, digital media projects. Working with faculty and staff colleagues the studio builds strong, committed, collaborative relationships that serve the project at hand and ripple outward as a model of genuine collaboration. To find out more about the Animation Studio, visit their website or contact director Daniel Houghton (dhoughton AT middlebury DOT edu).

Instructional design combines both the art and science of learning. It includes, but is not limited to, design of online or digital learning experiences. Our instructional designers can offer guidance in:

  • how to structure learning (for formal or informal learning experiences, and from short single-day experiences to full-length courses or series of courses)
  • what types of learning activities have been found to be effective in different contexts (e.g., face-to-face versus online learning)
  • what types of technologies work well for different types of learning activities how to make learning visually engaging and help it “stick” how to make online learning accessible to the widest range of users

We believe that learning communities are built on a foundation that recognizes the humanity of teachers and students, and that learning works best when the diversity of learner backgrounds and experiences are acknowledged, respected, and welcomed. When these needs are met, learners can be invited out of their “comfort zone.” We believe that a playful approach can mediate the space between safety and risk. When learners are supported to build expertise and take ownership over their own learning, we believe that learning is identity-changing. These beliefs guide us toward intentional design of learning spaces that are inclusive, equitable, supportive, authentic, and generative.

Our Digital Pedagogy & Media team has wide-ranging expertise in instructional design and pedagogy, multimedia production, and animation and narrative storytelling. We offer consultation and support for:

  • Selecting and implementing the appropriate digital tools for instructional purposes
  • Design of online and hybrid classes and workshops
  • Negotiating digital identities
  • Studio models for teaching and learning
  • Universal design for learning
  • Inclusive design
  • Digital language pedagogy
  • Digital privacy and self-defense
  • Digital storytelling, podcasting, and other multimedia production formats

If you’d like to explore any of these ideas (or anything else related to digital teaching and learning) with an instructional designer, please click the blue Request a Consultation button and complete the form with some details about your question or idea. One of our instructional designers will reach out to schedule a time to talk.

Do you have an idea for a project that supports teaching and learning at Middlebury, but need design and technical assistance to make it a reality? DLINQ’s instructional designers are available to partner with Middlebury faculty and staff on curricular and non-curricular projects that support the mission of teaching and learning, broadly writ. DLINQ instructional designers have expertise in designing and developing course, community, and resource websites, informal learning environments, and other web-based resources in platforms such as WordPress and Scalar.

Why Partner with a DLINQ Instructional Designer?

Design expertise. Instructional designers bring design expertise (pedagogical, technical, etc.) to the development process. While we are typically not involved in the initial ideation process for projects, during the partnership process, we can help you to refine your project ideas, select the platform that best fits, design the organization and structure of the site, assist with graphic design. We are also committed to inclusive and accessible design practices, and can help you to create an accessible and welcoming site.

Gain digital literacy skills. DLINQ’s partnership model means that the project partner is centrally involved in creating the project. We expect the project partner to be active in decision making, to be responsible for adding content into the site, and to learn to use the platform to ensure that the partner will be able to maintain the site moving forward. (Don’t worry, support for learning to use the platform is built into the partnership process.)

Project Proposal Process

Fill out the Project Proposal form. This includes sharing a some key information about your project, including:

  • Name of project lead
  • Name of Subject Matter Expert(s) (responsible for the content; can be same as Project Lead)
  • Rough timeline
  • Desired features (what do you hope the website will do? Who is the audience?)
  • Project narrative (tell us more about your hopes for the project)

Review process. The DLINQ Leadership Team reviews proposals on a weekly basis, and makes decisions about how to resource projects based on instructional designer availability and expertise. The Leadership Team may reach out to you for additional information about your proposal.

Project Charter. Once the project proposal is accepted, the instructional designer and project lead will fill out a Project Charter early in the process, which lays out roles and responsibilities, the development timeline and deliverables, and a plan for maintaining the site. This is a conversation meant to clarify expectations and set project goals, early in the project process.

DLINQ is a key partner for bringing courses and programs online at Middlebury. Partnering with DLINQ ensures that courses in a program provide a consistent experience for students; adhere to accessibility standards, principles of inclusive design, and standards of research-based online learning design; and provides program-level project management for the course development process.

To learn more about the process of developing an online/hybrid program with DLINQ, we invite you to explore the Program Director Guide to Developing Online Programs with DLINQ, and the Faculty Guide to Developing Online Courses with DLINQ. These documents outline the considerations, roles and responsibilities, and process, of developing online/hybrid programs.

Proposal Process

Some online/hybrid course/program proposals may arise from faculty or programs who identify opportunities to modify existing programs or launch new programs. Online/hybrid proposals may also arise from senior academic administrators in response to academic priorities. Whether emerging from faculty/programs or from academic administration, all online/hybrid program proposals must submit a proposal that will be reviewed by the Provost’s Academic Council.

The proposal process is currently under development; more information on the proposal process will be forthcoming.




French Grammar Games

DLINQ instructional designer Dr. Sonja Burrows worked together with


School in Italy

DLINQ instructional designer Dr. Sonja Burrows worked with the




Teaching Online & Hybrid Conversation Series

DLINQ has convened the Teaching Online and Hybrid Conversation Series since Fall 2018. Originally conceived of as a way to prepare faculty to take advantage of emerging opportunities to design online and hybrid


Addressing Barriers

Looking for strategies to support the diverse learning needs that students bring to your classroom? In our Addressing Barriers series, we explore the Universal Design for Learning guidelines and other strategies for