Mohammad Abbas

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Mohammad Abbas

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Mohammad Abbas

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Major: Computer science and Math

Expertise: Python, Java, R, Canva, Adobe tools, Microsoft tools

Currently Exploring: designing tools, Python Programming project, WordPress

Campus: Middlebury College, VT

Feels Local: Palestine Haifa, Raised in Lebanon

Why DLINQ: Perfect place to learn a lot about designing is also an excellent environment to gain experience in communication and teamwork.

Fun Fact: I can effortlessly lift both heavy weights and codes!

Born and raised in a humble refugee camp in North Lebanon. Mohammad Abbas was instilled with an unyielding resolve to uplift the lives of fellow refugees. This unique upbringing ignited a burning desire to democratize access to higher education, with an emphatic focus on computer science.

Currently pursuing a Liberal Arts education at Middlebury, he is deeply engrossed in the transformative realm of Computer Science. He envisions employing this in-progress education as a vehicle for meaningful change. His aspiration is to use his burgeoning skills as a programmer and data analyst to strategically tackle complex challenges.