Juli Martinez

Juli Martinez 

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Pronoun: she/they

Major: Earth and Climate Sciences

Expertise: Canva, Excel, Google Suite

Currently Exploring: The amount of carbon and energy used in printing assignments vs posting them on online, like on Canvas

Campus: Middlebury College, VT

Feels Local: Los Angeles, CA

Why DLINQ: I like helping others, especially when it comes to learning digital practices 🙂

Fun Fact: I have 13 tattoos and they’re all inspired by nature!

Juli is a Junior ECSC major at Middlebury, from Los Angeles, CA. She like lifting heavy weights, cooking, and identifying cool rocks. You may find her in Bicentennial Hall and Davis Library, with her orange 60 oz water bottle in hand. She is very involved in the Environmental Committee and am also a student advisor to the ECSC department.