Sarah Payne


Instructional Designer

Pronouns: She/her

Areas of Expertise: instructional design; digital scholarship; digital exhibits and archives; project management; feminist and gender theory

Recent Projects:


Payne, S., Mockler, S., Lohnes Watulak, S., & Collier, A. (in press). Cryptoparties as Sites of Feminist Pedagogy. Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online. Athabasca University Press

Messina, C., Connell, S., Flanders, J., Klibanoff, C., & Payne, S (2022). Social Knowledge Creation in the Digital Humanities: Case Studies. In Aaron Maruo (Ed.) Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities: Volume 2. Iter Press.


Public Humanities Projects: Planning, Implementation, and Sustainability

About Sarah: As an instructional designer, I provide curricular support, with a particular focus on digital scholarship and the digital humanities. I have experience helping faculty integrate digital scholarship assignments in the classroom, from semester-long projects to short in-class activities. Prior to joining DLINQ, I was the Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Liberal Arts at Middlebury. I earned my PhD in English literature with a certificate in women’s and gender studies from Northeastern University. I am invested in helping students and faculty understand the social and ethical implications of digital tools and become more critical users of technology.

Campus: Middlebury College, VT

Office: Remote