Amy Collier


Associate Provost for Digital Learning

Pronouns: She/her

Areas of expertise: Inclusive Design & Design Justice; Privacy & data protection; Digital Complexity and Not-Yetness; Information Environmentalism (dealing with misinformation); Digital sanctuary

Recent Projects:


Lohnes Watulak, S., Henrickson, J., & Collier, A. (in press). Centering the margins through critical instructional design. In J. Quinn, S. Jhanghiani, & M. Burtis (Eds.), Toward a Critical Instructional Design. Hybrid Pedagogy Press.

Collier, A., & Lohnes Watulak, S. (in press). Critical digital pedagogy across learning ecologies: Studios as sites of partnerships for strategic change. In G. Veletsianos, S. Koseoglu, & C. Rowell (Eds.), Critical digital pedagogy: Broadening horizons, bridging theory and practice. Athabasca University Press.

Invited Talks:

Collier, A. (2021, October). Inclusive design & design justice: A call to action for university faculty. Keynote given for the University of Utah. Online.

Collier, A. (2021, September). Reimagining assessment: Strategies for institutional change. Plenary talk given for Athabasca University. Online.

See my website for more recent projects.

About Amy: I received my doctorate in Family Studies from Texas Woman’s University in 2008. I am a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), The Sloan Consortium, Educause Learning Initiative, and the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. I frequently present at universities and conferences, sharing my passion for topics like open learning, online learning, and faculty development. Since winter 2020, I have taught a course on Inclusive Design and Design Justice with Dr. Sarah Lohnes Watulak. We have taught a similar course in a variety of professional settings, including the Digital Pedagogy Lab event. Dr. Watulak and I also help co-facilitate the Design Justice Network Instructional Design Working Group. I co-founded the organization Higher Education After Surveillance, which aims to explore alternative futures for surveillance in higher education. The group has published articles and papers, and has launched two initiatives, a Data Stories project and an Observatory project.

Campus: Middlebury College, Vermont

Office location: Davis Family Library 250 E/F