Comboni Jamal Tutu

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Comboni Jamal Tutu

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Comboni Jamal Tutu

DLINQ Intern, Undergraduate

Pronoun: He/him

Major: Undeclared

Expertise: Canva, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Rush and Photography

Currently Exploring: Graphic design using Illustrator and Photoshop editing

Campus: Middlebury College, VT

Feels Local: Kakuma, Kenya & Gidel-Nuba Mtns, Sudan

Fun Fact: I wear different shoe sizes, 9-11.5.

Why DLINQ: It has always been my feeling that I have an inner artistry that is just waiting to be discovered. DLINQ provides the tools that will enable me explore that artistry.

Comboni’s friends call him Jamal. He was born in Sudan but moved to Kenya (Kakuma Refugee Camp) with his friends. He is currently a rising sophomore.

Living in the refugee camp for eleven years exposed him to the unaddressed challenges faced by refugees; accessing education like any other human. They do not have opportunities to advance with their studies beyond high school. He is obsessed with the thoughts of how to mitigate this challenge.

He enjoys taking pictures, watching and playing soccer with his friends during free time.