by Sonam Choedon, DLINQ Intern

From the start of the semester till now, I had the incredible opportunity to work on an exciting project for DLINQ. My task was to create and maintain an Instagram account for the DLINQ Interns. This included various responsibilities, such as generating the content, managing the page, and ensuring that it was frequently updated with new posts.

As I look back on my experience creating and managing the DLINQ Instagram account, I can still recall the excitement I felt when I first came up with the idea. I remember thinking about what kind of content we should create.

The first step is to choose a username. When it comes to creating a username for an online account, there are many factors to consider. In this case, “dlinqinterns” was thoughtfully chosen to represent the DLINQ program while still acknowledging the specific role of the individuals using the account. After discussing the matter with Joe, it became clear that this username would be an ideal choice for representing the DLINQ Interns. This choice not only accurately reflects the program that we work for, but it also gives us a unique identity as Interns within that department. Overall, taking the time to carefully consider and choose a username can help to create a strong online presence that accurately represents us (DLINQ Interns).

Snapshot of DLINQ Intern Instagram account.
The DLINQuent, a cryptid creature representing the DLINQ Interns

I knew we needed something eye-catching for our profile picture, so I used a picture of a cryptid creature I made for an event. I came up with the idea of a cryptid creature. The ability to swim, fly and walk on land makes it a highly adaptable and versatile creature, much like the Interns at DLINQ who possess a diverse range of skills and are proficient with various digital tools. Just as the creature can seamlessly navigate through different environments, DLINQ Interns can seamlessly transition between different digital platforms and technologies to accomplish their tasks efficiently and effectively. The creature’s unique capabilities and the Interns’ diverse skill sets highlight the importance of being multi-talented and adaptable in today’s constantly evolving digital landscape. I was thrilled when Joe, my boss, and the other Interns loved the design and even came up with a name for it – DLINQuent. Seeing how an idea could turn into something useful was amazing.

As I started thinking about what kind of content we should create, I knew it had to be engaging and informative. After brainstorming with Joe, I created five categories of posts: intern profiles, the activity of the week, event promotional posts, call-to-action posts, and informational posts.

I started planning what content to post in advance using the categories we created. I knew that the first few posts – informational posts and an intern profile – were the most critical because they introduced our followers to who we were and what we did. These posts provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the Interns and their work at DLINQ.

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for businesses, individuals, and organizations alike. With so much content available online, creating visually appealing posts that attract viewers is an art form. When I was working on this project, I quickly realized that there is much more to creating successful online content than just the text of a post. Incorporating design elements such as color, space, font, and illustration can make a big difference in the overall appeal of a post. For example, choosing the right color scheme can help to create a mood or convey a specific message, while the use of space can help to draw attention to specific elements of the post. Font choices can also be used to create a certain tone or style, while illustrations can add a unique and engaging element to the post. Overall, taking the time to learn and incorporate design principles into online content can help to create more successful and effective posts that capture the attention of viewers.

To ensure that the Instagram account remained up-to-date with the latest news from DLINQ, most of the content I posted was sourced from the intern handbook and upcoming events. This way, I could keep our followers engaged and informed about the activities of our organization. One of the most exciting aspects of this project was creating intern profiles once a week, which allowed me to highlight the talents and achievements of the Interns working for DLINQ. Additionally, I made an “activity of the month” feature, which showcased exciting, small, fun activities that increase engagement with audiences and among the Interns.

To further engage our followers, I also created “call to action” posts encouraging them to participate in various activities or events. I am working on a series of posts related to the Digital Detox, that aims to reduce the toxicity and harms brought on by technology. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to explore this topic further and share valuable insights with our followers. This year’s theme was Imagining Alternate Futures for the Digital.

The next step I plan to take is to turn our Instagram account into a business account. This will enable me to access analytic features that allow me to track the performance of our posts, including the number of views, likes, and shares they receive.

Overall, working on this project has been an incredibly enriching experience for me. I have honed my skills in creating visually appealing content and gained a deeper understanding of the importance of social media in promoting DLINQ. By creating and maintaining an Instagram account for DLINQ, I meaningfully contributed to DLINQ’s mission and helped spread awareness about its activities and initiatives.

Call to action post for DLINQ Intern Instagram account.