by Kayla Moore, DLINQ Lead Intern

Have you ever had a group member who was so tired and stressed out they didn’t help out with the group work? Has that ever been you? Or have you ever worked with a partner who you realized a little too late that they are better at developing an aesthetic PPT than writing?

In this article, we’ll like to go over an exercise that could allow you and group members to quickly decide who will do what in the group as well as overcome burnout within the group.

Reflecting on Roles

In this exercise, you and your groupmates will reflect on which role fits them best in a group. Below are the 10 roles and their descriptions:

Spring Inquiry Group Roles

When thinking about these roles, also think about these questions:

  • What role comes naturally to you or is easiest to play?
  • Which role would work best when experiencing burnout?
  • What role is hardest for you to play?

After thinking about these questions individually and as a group, the group dynamic and how the team plans to achieve the task should be more fleshed out.

Works Cited

10 Group Roles for Workplace Teams (With Examples) by Indeed. Click here to access the article.