by Gary Soza, DLINQ Intern

In my personal inquiry, Privacy in a Digital World, I explored how privacy needs have become increasingly more important in our lives and made recommendations for useful resources for the uninitiated. I created a WordPress site as part of the inquiry process, detailing the resources and readings I used to stay informed about the subject.

The site is organized into: Research, Resources, Activities, and a Glossary. “Research” refers to writings by others that I have read and felt were worth mentioning. The “Resources” section has external resources that I have tried out and decided would be helpful for others. The “Activities” section has some activities relating to the content on the site, and the “Glossary” section is a collection of terms that beginners might not know or understand. I gathered terms, definitions, and further readings in case users are interested in reading more on the subject. That being said, the site is still a work in progress and likely to change as I continue to add content and resources.

So far, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of overall privacy concerns, both in the physical and digital worlds. I’ve also learned about the legal state of privacy in the US, where legislation fails, and where it needs to improve in order to protect the average consumer. Through the work that I’ve done, I hope that members of the Middlebury community can improve their understanding of digital privacy and take steps to protect themselves in an increasingly invasive world.

Feature photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash